Band Spotlight: Blac Rabbit | Psych Pop Dream Rock
Posted on March 08 2017

Band Name:
Blac Rabbit
Band Member Names:
Rah and Amiri Taylor, Josh Lugo and Patrick Jones
Psych Pop Dream Rock
Radiohead, The Beatles Tame Impala, Unknown Mortal Orchestra and a lot more
When and why did you start playing?
We started playing guitar around 5 years ago. We owed a Beatles Rock Band and we loved the music a lot so we decided instead of playing this game why not actually learn how to play these songs. So I guess it sorta started out with us wanting to cover The Beatles until it evolved into us wanting to write our own music
Which famous musicians do you admire? Why?
Paul Mcartney because after like 50 years he is still rocking out harder than ever and that's super impressive. He is also a virtuoso and a monster composer.
Favorite collective bar or restaurant:
Baby's All Right so far, they just treat the bands that they book so well there, everything from the sound to the food and drinks!
Favorite drink (each band member):
Fire Ball (Rah) Hard Cider (Amiri), Whiskey and Coke (Patrick) Whiskey sour (Josh)
Where do you all draw inspiration from?
Collectively we draw inspiration from many sources from artist like Jimi Hendrix (Josh) to Black Veil Brides (Patrick) As well as Mgmt (Amiri and Rah)
Any tours or gigs coming up soon?
We have a show opening for a band called "Citris" on the 28th of February, it's gonna be big!
What is your favorite BKLYN LEAGUE product?
I think we all agreed on the t shirt that list all of the neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Represent!
Why Brooklyn?
Cause it's the coolest borough in New York
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