The Locals: Stephanie Monohan | Windsor Terrace
Posted on December 15 2016

Name: Stephanie Monohan
Age: 26
Occupation: Trends and Youth Culture Researcher at MTV / Illustrator
Neighborhood: Windsor Terrace
Style: Stay-at-home Punk
Favorite BKLYN LEAGUE item: I'm biased because I worked on the Biggie design, but you also can't beat a comfy crew-neck sweatshirt with a classic crest on it.
Favorite Music Artist or Artist: Too many to pick an absolute favorite, but everyone in Brooklyn who cares about challenging music and live performance should be paying attention to Dreamcrusher right now.
Favorite Local Bar: The one, the only, The Double Windsor.
Favorite Local Restaurant: Krupa Grocery, because I'm a sucker for any meal that combines the words "breakfast" and "gnocchi".
Why Brooklyn? Because there's not just one Brooklyn. Because if you're feeling restless, you can hop on the train for 15 minutes and wind up in what feels like a different city. Because you can go to a historic amusement park, check out a weird movie at Spectacle, eat at Beyoncé's favorite pizza parlor, and go to a punk show in someone's basement all in the same day.